Support startups growing internationally

In recent years, startup companies started to expand and be noted in other markets besides Western Balkans. Some of them have been recognized as unicorns and stood as an inspiration to other entrepreneurs. However, many startups struggle to achieve the scale and growth they need to succeed within their own borders.

One of the key challenges facing startups in the Western Balkans is the limited size of the domestic market. With a population of around 18 million people, the region is relatively small compared to more mature markets, such as the US and Europe.  To overcome this challenge, many Western Balkan startups are looking to expand into international markets. This can provide them with access to larger and more diverse customer bases, as well as new opportunities for growth and development. However, expanding into international markets is not without its challenges, and requires careful planning and execution.

One of the key challenges facing Western Balkan startups when it comes to market expansion is the lack of experience and knowledge of foreign markets. Unlike more established companies, startups may not have the resources or expertise to navigate the complexities of international markets, such as differing regulations and cultural differences. As a result, they may need to seek out external support and guidance to succeed.

Another challenge is the lack of access to networks and connections in foreign markets. Unlike more mature markets, where startups can tap into established networks of investors, customers, and partners, the western Balkans may not have the same level of access. This can make it difficult for startups to establish relationships and partnerships in foreign markets and can hinder their ability to expand. Members of the Western Balkans Startup Council proposed the following solutions to this problem in the document Policy recommendations: Building a notion on the idea of reciprocity (hubs); providing support for a soft landing; having projects cover the costs of a participant’s international travel.

There are many opportunities for Western Balkan startups to grow and succeed internationally. By leveraging their strengths, such as their innovative technologies and entrepreneurial spirit, and seeking out support and guidance from incubators/accelerators, startups in the region can expand into new markets and drive their own growth and development.

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